Shelby Stephens Shelby Stephens

Meaning behind the Name

I knew where it was going to be. I knew what I wanted it to look like. I knew how I wanted it to run. I knew everything, except ONE thing - what are we were going to name the venue.

From the beginning, I referred to it as Gracyn’s Chapel. It tied in with my mom’s bridal store, Gracyn Elizabeth Bride, and stood as a memorial for my still born sister, Gracyn. It seemed perfect, but something didn’t sit right. I felt like Gracyn was not my story to tell, but rather my mom’s testimony to share.

Back to square one.

One day at church, our preacher spoke on Ephesians (which happens to be my favorite book in the Bible) and really focused on Ephesians 4:15. “Instead, speak the truth in love, so that we become more like Him, who is the head, that is Jesus Christ.” Boom, that was it. It spoke to me and I knew I wanted to incorporate it in the name. This Bible verse is such a good example to live by for two reasons. 1. Speak the truth in love 2. Be more like Jesus. We get so wrapped up in how other people are wrong because of their political views and Facebook posts and blah blah blah. The world would be a better place if people focused on bettering themselves and spoke to one another out of love. (And that is Shelby’s Ted talk for the day)

Continuing on with the story.. We brainstormed for weeks playing with the numbers 4-1-5: Venue 415, The 415, 415 Estates, etc. Finally, a young lady at my mom’s dress shop wrote out the numbers in cursive on a sticky note. It was beautiful and that was all it took. Four Fifteen Estates. I still have that small piece of paper in my jewelry box.

Also, as a bonus, our wedding anniversary is 4/15. #allthehearteyes

Also, as an extra bonus, the address to the venue is 415 County Road 2101. Mind blown.

Side note: I couldn’t NOT put a personal touch of Gracyn so the chapel does have her name, Gracyn’s Chapel.

The meaning behind the name has several layers and could not be more perfect. I wanted the name to have as much meaning to it as the venue does for all of the future couples getting married at Four Fifteen Estates. May you speak the truth in love so that you become more like Him, Jesus Christ.

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Shelby Stephens Shelby Stephens

Construction at Four Fifteen Estates

It all begins with an idea.

Welcome to the first 415 blog! Let’s kick it off with a construction update! There has been so much excitement at Four Fifteen Estates and I know you’ll be as excited as we are. 

Multiple crews have been in and out making this dream come to life. A huge thank you to Josh Foster who has worked endless hours making sure the ground and parking lot is perfect before building. Ishmael Hernandez for pouring concrete in the short timeframe between rainy days. David Bell and his crew for getting the exterior shell up in a blink of an eye. A big thank you to Pablo, Jose, Armando, Andy, and Enrique for studding up the buildings and the exterior of the bridal suite. Last but not least, Krause Plumbing and Dwyer Water Wells for getting all of the really important things that people often over look! All of these guys have worked long hours and on weekends. Thankful does not even come close to the feeling I have for all of the crews. 

Seeing the progress as the venue goes vertical has been so much fun to watch. Below are a few updated photos of the construction so you can see how far we’ve come.  

If you have any questions or would like to book a tour, please feel free to reach out to us at - we’d love to meet you!

Exterior of Gracyn’s Chapel

Exterior of Gracyn’s Chapel

Interior of Gracyn’s Chapel

Interior of Gracyn’s Chapel

The Bridal Suite

The Bridal Suite

Exterior of the Reception Hall

Exterior of the Reception Hall

Interior of Reception Hall

Interior of Reception Hall

View from Groom’s Loft

View from Groom’s Loft

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