Vendor Spotlight - Captured by Kelsi

How did you get started?

I first started photography when I was in high school right here in Texarkana at Texas High! I was lucky enough to attend a school with a photography program that actually taught the ins and outs of a camera, so within weeks of picking up a camera for the first time I understood what I was doing and was ready to grow. I didn’t know where it would take me, but I knew pretty early on that I would build a career out of photography. I got started with weddings by chance really, several years ago I had a client that had hired me for several shoots and knew I was the person for the job on her wedding day before I even trusted myself for that job. I went with it and now here we are! I never imagined I would have grown to build a business serving this many couples but I am so glad I did!

Describe your style:

This is tricky, because I feel that my style does change a bit time to time (I know some might cringe at that, but any artist evolves their style as they go). Through the years, the thing that has remained constant through my work is the warmth, depth, and contrasted look of my photos packaged with my documentary approach and emotional capturing of moments. I always strive to freeze moments instead of simply posing people. I also feel strongly that I want my couples to feel comfortable around me and like they can show up as themselves in front of my camera. This all plays a part in my “style” - it’s more than just the editing that I do or the lenses that I use, I like to think that it’s part of me and who I am that helps me make the art that I do out of who you are!

What is your best wedding day tip for the couple?

Work it into your plans for the day to clean up your getting ready space BEFORE your photo/video team arrives. We want to capture things how they are naturally happening, but don’t want there to be a ton of trash, clutter, clothes, etc laying around in photos. By the end of several hours of “hang out” time on the morning of your wedding day- every surface will likely be packed to the brim with clutter. This may not be a big deal to some, and that’s totally fine if you don’t mind it. I always look back and think a tidier space looks nicer in the photos of the wedding party getting ready, though! So, my advice is to designate a few of your people to make a sweep of the room before the set arrival time. There will *not* be enough time worked into our photo timeline to do this after we arrive, so if it isn’t done before, it’ll be too late! Doesn’t have to be perfect - just do a sweep for trash, bags, clothes, and put everything that isn’t needed away! You’ll thank me later!

What are some mistakes you’ve seen couples make?

Not researching the sunset time before setting your ceremony time! Get with your photographer before you make this decision, they will be glad to help you! They will know the best time for your ceremony taking into account your plans, sunset time, venue, etc! They are professionals and their whole job is to know how lighting works. You don’t want the only photos you and your partner get from your whole wedding day to be after dark unless that is the style you are going for! They should still be able to work around that if they have to, but let’s try to set it up so they don’t have to! I have had several couples not check with me and send out invites for a ceremony that’s 30 minutes before sunset, which will certainly lead to beautiful ceremony photos, but keep in mind that you may need time after your ceremony for family photos, couple photos, wedding party photos, buffer time for a ceremony delay, and maybe, most importantly, a breather for you to soak it all in and enjoy yourself before the daylight is gone!

What makes a wedding day fun for you?

My favorite wedding days are days where I get to work with my industry friends! Through years of working in this area I have built a group of incredible friends both personally and professionally that I recommend to all of my couples. I can say without a doubt that whenever my couples hire more people off of this collective list, as a team, we work smoothly and efficiently! There is nothing like the well oiled machine that is a group of wedding vendors that already know how to work with one another. I can’t tell you how many problems I have solved that have nothing to do with photography before the problem ever even left the group of 3-4 vendors on a wedding day because of our ability to problem solve, work together, and trust each other! Not to mention, All the vendors that I recommend, I know give a good experience to their clients and work well creatively through the whole day process in partnership with me and anyone on my crew!

What are some trends you’re excited to see for 2023 weddings?

There are always a lot of fun ideas popping up on Tiktok and Instagram reels - the ideas and trends are endless! I spend a lot of my time consuming these and it’s so fun. The main thing that I am just so excited that is becoming more “mainstream” is that couples are doing what THEY want. You will see me encouraging all of my couples for 2023 (& forever) to partake in whatever traditions, trends, quirky ideas, and downright sweet moments they want for their wedding day. Let’s let go of what everyone else is doing on their wedding day and celebrate you and your partner committing to each other in the best way for you guys. Give into all your hopes and dreams if that’s what YOU’VE been dreaming of, but if it’s someone else’s dream, this is your sign to let it go!

What is your favorite part about your job?

Every single day I think about how I am preserving life long memories. That is hands down the best part of my job. In 20, 30, even 50 years, your kids, grandkids, or even great-grandkids are going to be looking at the photos I took for you on your wedding day. I can’t even describe the weight, importance, and joy that brings to my life! And I love that these days we are wanting to capture the raw, true emotional moments of the day instead of just a few posed moments. I wish I had photos of my loved ones like the photos I am able to provide for my couples and their families.

You can see more photos Captured by Kelsi Here


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